About Us

Darryl is an independent insurance agent and owner of Jensen Insurance Group,
Inc. representing many of the top companies in the insurance industry. He
graduated in 1984 with a BBA degree in Property and Casualty insurance from the
prestigious College of Insurance in New York city, known as the best insurance
school in the world. Since then, the College of Insurance merged with St John’s
University and is now called The School of Risk Management, Insurance and
Actuarial Science. His passion is to help design insurance plans for auto, home,
umbrella, life, churches, non-profits and businesses.
Darryl has served on many boards including chairman of the board in 2000 for the
Palatine Area Chamber of Commerce and a deacon for 10 years at a local church.
He enjoys spending time with family and grandchildren, boating and home
improvement projects. His oldest daughter and husband are serving with the
Navigators ministry with international students.